Yes, it’s that time again and students the nation over are in cram mode. Before we know it, the exams are here, and our children haven’t prepared for the exams at all. As parents we have to step in to play therapist and convince our stressed children that “everything is going to be okay”.
We know the stress exams bring, especially around finals. As much as we doubt that everything is going to be fine, as parents we must remain positive and put up a brave front for our children. This year is an especially difficult year to get learners to focus as they spent so much time being out of the school structured life. Keeping focus and preparing for exams might be extra challenging. Here are some awesome tips to get your child/ren back on track and ready to ace the upcoming exams.
Follow our blog as we share daily helpful tips to assist you and your child/ren during the upcoming exam period.
Avoid arguments
The days leading up to exams can be very stressful for parents and children alike and arguments can easily occur. If the household chores are not done to your satisfaction, you’re within your right to point it out, but maybe consider addressing it at a later stage to avoid prolonged arguments for now, since your child needs to focus and be emotionally strong for their exams. It’s a team effort and the family has to pull together to make sure all their energies are devoted to their studies and reparation for exams.
Avoid burdening your children with your stress
We know that you’re stressed, probably more than your child, especially with all the current challenges of life. It is very important that you protect your child from unnecessary stress and ensure that they have a safe and emotionally healthy environment, especially during exam times. If you need to discuss your concerns, vent to a partner or a friend without your child knowing. Children are extremely sensitive to their parents’ emotions and are always eager to share those emotions. These reactions will distract them and get them to easily lose sight and focus on important things, such as studying. Our children have enough to deal with during exam times and rely on parents and guardians to support them.
Join us tomorrow as we share some tips for learners to stay focussed.